Lonely Kitty Rescued at Shelter After Long Wait, Now Living his Best Life

Cat Overlooked for Almost a Year at Animal Shelter Until Perfect Family Came for Him, He Couldn't Be Happier

A cat was sidelined at an animal shelter for close to a year before finding his forever family. Today, he is the picture of contentment and joy in his new home.

sweet shelter cat snuggly

Luka, a charming tuxedo cat sporting a distinctive exclamation mark on his nose, found his way to the Exploits Valley SPCA at the tender age of seven months. From the moment he arrived, he displayed a natural friendliness towards humans and quickly integrated himself among the other resident shelter cats, engaging in playful antics and cozy snuggles.

Described by the SPCA as “one of the most lovable cats on this planet,” Luka exudes a constant desire for affection and reciprocates with boundless love. His affectionate nature is evident in his habitual cuddles and head-butts with his fellow male feline companions. Despite his lovable character and the happiness he brought to those around him, Luka’s time at the shelter extended into months without finding a forever home.

tuxedo cat dapper

ExploitsValleySPCA had been sharing posts about Luka on social media for ten months with little success. Despite common misconceptions about black cats being hard to adopt, the staff believed that black and white cats faced even more difficulty finding homes. At one and a half years old, Luka had made friends with many new shelter arrivals and witnessed the joy of others being adopted into forever homes.

tuxedo cat friends

At ExploitsValleySPCA, there are times when cats stay in the shelter for a while without finding a home. But then, out of the blue, the perfect home appears, and it all falls into place. This was exactly the case for Luka, who finally found his forever home after 330 days of waiting. It was like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

tuxedo cat roommates

Luka and the cats he lives with at the Exploits Valley SPCA have had quite the adventure. “He’s such a friendly cat, but for some reason, people just weren’t noticing him. It turns out, he was just waiting for Paula all along.”

Not too long ago, Paula experienced a deep loss when her beloved cats passed away after 15 years together. Devastated, she swore she would never have another cat. However, fate had other plans. One day, while dropping off some food at a local rescue, she crossed paths with a stunning calico named Chole who instantly captured her heart.

sweet shelter cat snuggling

Luka and his new mom Paula from Exploits Valley SPCA have a special bond. Paula said she had Chole for a year, but always felt like there was room in her heart for another fur baby. She would often scroll through the SPCA’s Facebook page, admiring the rescued animals. But when she saw Luka’s face, she felt an instant connection and knew he belonged with her.

tuxedo cat snuggling

Their instant connection was undeniable as Paula held Luka on their first meeting at Exploits Valley SPCA. He nuzzled into her arms, as if recognizing a long-lost friend. Paula described it as “love at first sight.”

In no time, Luka effortlessly adjusted to his new life with Paula and Chole, eagerly taking on the role of kitchen inspector and food detective, ensuring his mom’s meals met his high standards.

tuxedo cat fridge

Luka, the food investigator, has a keen sense of curiosity that comes alive whenever Paula opens the fridge door. He approaches the task of inspecting its contents with the diligence of a seasoned detective.

Initially, Chloe was wary of the new arrival, but Luka was determined to win her over. With enthusiasm and energy, he raced around the room in an attempt to engage her in play, showing just how determined he was to make friends with her.

tuxedo cat calico

Luka is completely fixated on Chole, the calico Paula on Instagram under the username wideeyedgal. “His main goal is to become friends with Chole. He’s incredibly dedicated to winning her over.” He trailed Chole into the kitchen, joined her on the countertop, and relaxed on the couch alongside her. Respectfully giving her space, he patiently waited for her to warm up to him.

cats on countertop

Chole and Luka’s Instagram handle is wideeyedgal, where their adorable antics are chronicled. Despite numerous failed attempts, Luka finally won Chole over one day by cuddling up next to her on the couch and giving her a bath. Surprisingly, Chole actually allowed him to groom her, at least until Luka’s ninja instincts kicked in and things took a playful turn.

cats friends grooming

Luka enjoys getting pampered with a bath by Chole while his favorite spot to rest is on Paula’s lap. Having spent almost a year in the shelter, he’s finally living the fulfilling life he has always dreamed of.

silly tuxedo cat

Luka adores frolicking around and snuggling up on his mom Paula’s lap. The SPCA emphasized the importance of not giving up on resilient cats like Luka, quoting, “Remember, everything will work out in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.”

tuxedo cat handsome

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