Left Behind: Kitte’s Journey With His Guardians

A little furry kitten found himself abandoned in a house, but now he has found a loving couple to care for him and provide him with companionship.

newborn kitten

Earlier this year, a group called With Grace Rescue in Las Vegas received a call from Danielle Chavez about a group of kittens that were born in a house undergoing renovation in Arizona. The kittens were abandoned by their feral mother, who had snuck into the house to give birth but didn’t return for them. Danielle, the founder of With Grace, was contacted by a staff member from a spay and neuter clinic they often work with to help rescue the neonatal kittens.

purrito kitten

He came into this world as part of a litter born to a feral cat in a house in Arizona, and luckily a rescue group called Grace was there to help. The kittens were driven from Arizona to Las Vegas, where the rescuers met up and quickly brought them back to a warm incubator at their home. The little ones were tiny, barely weighing 60 grams each. Despite the rescue team’s best efforts, two of the kittens were too weak and sadly did not survive. The sole survivor, a kitten named Michael, fought with all his might. He eagerly latched onto the bottle, eating to his heart’s content in an effort to strengthen his frail body.

kitten eyes open

He’s a determined little fighter, the only one left from his litter. With the help of Grace at With Grace Rescue, he is defying the odds. “I knew he had it in him to make it through,” shared Danielle, his foster mom. “From the moment he latched onto that bottle, I knew he was a survivor.”
As Michael thrived under her care, another rescue group, Feral Cat Warriors, stepped in to TNR the cat colony where they were found. This was a crucial step in ensuring the well-being of the kittens’ cat mom. “Rescue work truly comes full circle,” said Danielle, grateful for the support.

orphan kitten cuddle toy

Michael awakened to the world with Grace by his side. Danielle and her spouse teamed up to nurture the kitten, ensuring he was well-fed and taken care of. Danielle stayed up late to bottle-feed him, while Foster Dad woke up early before heading to work to ensure the little guy got his fill. As a result, they both managed to get a good night’s rest, and the little fella got his much-needed nourishment.

kitten and cat man

Michael enjoyed snuggling with his foster mom during nap time, showing how comfortable he was with Grace from @withgracerescue. After moving into his playpen, a big milestone for the little guy, Michael’s fun and playful side really started to shine. You can see just how adorable Michael the kitten is in this video:
Click to watch Michael the kitten on YouTube.

Michael loves sticking close to his foster parents and isn’t shy about letting them know his needs. His foster mom describes him as a sweet baby who always wants to be by their side. It’s clear that Michael is her little Velcro buddy.

kitten and cat man

Michael absolutely loves being around people and is always looking for some company. With the help of Grace @withgracerescue, he was given the chance to be in the living room, keeping him around their cats to help him socialize. According to Danielle from Love Meow, he is slowly but surely getting the hang of how to be a cat. Recently, he has even mastered the crab-walk and is on his way to perfecting the wiggle butt and ambush attack move.

kitten home

Michael is seeking out some serious bonding time with his foster dad at With Grace Rescue. He has turned into quite the lively little guy, loving cozying up to his foster dad’s beard and giving neck massages with his kneading paws. He’s fitting right in with the resident cats, picking up some great kitty manners from them along the way.
“He’s just a joy to watch. Every day he’s growing more and more confident. Pretty soon, he’ll be zooming past the other cats like a pro.”

kneady snuggly kitten

He loves cuddling with his humans! Meet Michael, a nearly seven-week-old cutie who will soon be available for adoption. This little guy has a charming personality and is the ideal furry friend. When he’s done playing, he likes to run to his foster parents, knead on their lap, chest, or neck, all while purring loudly. So adorable!

sweet orange kitten

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